S&W -K/L-Frame s.b. Rhomlas fi.-gr. closed back sim. Ph.Hemphill SW046PHG8

KN Nill Grips

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Product.Nr. SW046PHG8

S&W -K/L-Frame s.b. Rhomlas fi.-gr. closed back sim. Ph.Hemphill


Surface: Rhomlas, oiled
Size: Standard
Hand: B
Material: Walnut
Group: A
Frametype: K/L-Frame square butt

Model: K/L-Frame square butt
10 4 inch / 13 4 inch / 14 6 inch / 17 / 19 4-6 inch / 64 3-4 inch / 65 4 inch / 66 4-6 inch / 67 / 617 / 648 / 586 / 686 /...

Based on the very popular Phil Hemphill grip, we offer this grip with closed back strap area and the new Romlas® texture which will guarantee proper grip for perfect fast follow-up shots.

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